Bodily Dysfunction


Sand trapped between lens and frame,

Scene polarized with pessimistic grit,

Watch out for the fan, it’s covered in shit,

She hides her face, changes her name.

Stone wedged between shoe and sock,

An arduous uphill tramp,

Look out for blisters on blisters, a limp and a cramp,

Once was a pebble, now is a rock.

Splinter stuck between skin and nail,

Embedded under polish chipped and cracked,

Beware removal, keep the thorn intact,

She picks at her skin so frail.

Sticks strewn between hair and hood,

Ringlets braided into a nest,

Take note – this swollen carcass needs rest,

She closes her eyes for good.

The subsistence sister

Rinse, wash, scrub, wipe, hang…

Two down is something, something, E, N, D…

Fold, dry, soak, scour, bleach;

In the bucket – a mop and my sanity.


Clothes draped over an unsteady frame,

Sagging sides, a collapsing stance;

Green filters dandruff the carpet,

The scene slightly askew on first glance.


Open the ranch slider, call for the cat,

Put on the jug once again.

Clean out the cat food chunks clogging the sink,

Light and inhale cigarette number ten.

